Problem Statement

Universities are more than just places where students go to learn. They are also places where students grow, develop and create lifelong memories. Therefore, finding solutions for a better student life in universities is essential to ensure that students have a positive and fulfilling experience. In this project, solutions were collected to improve student life on the campus in the Westphalian University in Gelsenkirchen.

Idea and Concept

We divided our ideas into two, Digital Campus and Campus Life. The Digital Campus idea includes the app MyWHS, study plan, Extension of the KatalogPlus, Topic overview Bachelor/ Master thesis, Overview of professors/ lecturers and the Room finding software. The idea behind MyWHS is to provide a digital place for the most important documents of a student, which they can keep in their wallets, and to make these be able to access these things conveniently via a smartphone. The idea Campus Life includes smaller projects (posters), such as snack machines with healthy snacks, free drinking water dispenser, longer opening hours of the cafeteria, larger vegan offer, docking stations for the PC pools, Electronic Lockers, more attractive Design of the Interior and more learning places in the Outdoor.

Our project consisted of several smaller projects that were developed with different programs and coding languages. The “MyWHS” application was conceptualized in Adobe XD and implemented with the interface Flutter by using the coding language Dart. The prototype of the study planner website was also configured by using Adobe XD. Afterward everything was realized by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript in Visual Studio Code. Following this, a campaign was designed that revolved around posters with different themes. This and some other smaller projects were created with Adobe Photoshop. In a final step, the portfolio of ideas was designed with WordPress. This portfolio was also arranged in Adobe InDesign and printed out as a magazine.


Bachelor Software- and Multimediaproject


04/2022 – 02/2023

Team Member/s

Winona Jürgens
Sedef Öztürk
Zisan Öztürk
Deborah Rave
Svenja Ropte
Stefanie Thybussek