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The Research

On these pages we present a selection of our current student projects, as well as theses from Master’s and Bachelor’s programmes. In addition, you will find scientific articles and publications.

UI for Medical AR/VR Applications

Design Management (DSM)

Adventure Game

Bachelor Software- and Multimediaproject


aVRika VR-Application

Master Thesis


Astronaut Training in VR

Media- and Interfacedesign (VMID)


Designlab Redesign

Design Management (DSM)


Compass App

Media- and Interfacedesign (VMID)

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Schwindt, Nina: Analyse des Einflusses von staatlichen Regulationen auf die wahrgenommene Privatsphäre und das Vertrauen in Gesundheitsapps anhand der DSGVO. 2023. (Typ: Abschlussarbeit | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: analysis, health, privacy)