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The Research

On these pages we present a selection of our current student projects, as well as theses from Master’s and Bachelor’s programmes. In addition, you will find scientific articles and publications.

DiNAs Lab

Master Software- and Multimediaproject

Communicating Sustainability through Gamification

Bachelor Thesis

Artificial Intelligence and Design

Bachelor Software- and Multimediaproject


Bachelor Thesis

Creativestudio App

Master Thesis

Green Government

Media- and Interfacedesign (VMID)

Learning Village App

Master Software- and Multimediaproject

Campus Tuning

Bachelor Software- and Multimediaproject

Educational Game

Bachelor Software- and Multimediaproject

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Salmanipour, Aida; Steingen, Tristan: Vermittlung von Nachhaltigkeit mittels Gamification - Entwicklung eines 2D-Plattformers. 2023. (Typ: Abschlussarbeit | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: game development, gamification, sustainable)


Ferrarello, Vanessa: Konzeption und Design einer mobilen und gamifizierten Social-Media-Anwendung zur Stärkung des Umweltbewusstseins und Motivation einer nachhaltigen Lebensweise. 2020, (Bachelor Thesis). (Typ: Abschlussarbeit | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: app, design, gamification, social media, sustainable)